The Day Of A Small Beginning

Little Maria wanted to cuddle a toy when she slept. She asked her mother for a big teddy bear.

     "Maria, a big woolly teddy cost a lot." said her mother.

     "How much?" asked Maria.

    "Tow hundred rupees," said her mother,  "I'll buy you a small one," she added.

Maria was not happy. She had her mind fixed on a big teddy- one like Sam had. 
      Just then Maria's aunt from Mumbai arrived. Aunt brought Maria many gifts. Maria liked the gifts and thanked aunt but she was still thinking of a teddy bear. Maria's mother told her sister that Maria wanted a big teddy bear. It was costly and she could not afford it.

     "Don't worry. Maria will soon have a bear of her choice," said Aunt. Then calling Maria, she said.  "Maria, I'll give you 2 rupees as pocket money every day. Spend one rupee and drop the other in a box. By the end of seven months you'll have your teddy".

     "How long will that be?" asked the little girl.

    "Well, before I leave from Mumbai you will get your cuddly teddy," Aunt said and the little girl smiled. 
                    "Here is two rupees and here is a box."  said aunt and told Maria what to do.

     Maria was overjoyed. She made a small beginning.  Sometime she forgot and spent all the money on little things like sweets and balloons. At other times she saved all and dropped it in the box.
      Maria slowly learn to save money. At the end of six month, Aunt wanted to see how she had done and asked her to count the money. The little girl had spent very little. In fact, she had saved a lot. She was able to buy herself the teddy bear before seven months were over.
      Aunt took Maria to the toy shop and Maria got her teddy bear. there was a radiant smile on her face. When she went home she told her mum,
    "Ma, I got the teddy bear of my choice!'
   Her eyes were gleaming. That night she cuddled the bear and went to sleep. She had pleasant dreams.

Moral of story - "Small beginning achieve great results"
