The Dishonest Milkman

          Once there was a milkman named Hiralal. He was very cunning and became wealthy through dishonest means. Every day he delivered milk at the city. He had to cross a river daily to reach the city. While crossing the river, Hiralal would mix water of the river with the milk. He sold this milk to the people and earned good money.

         Hiralal soon became a rich man. He fixed his son's wedding and was making arrangements for the same. He bought plenty of rich clothes, gold ornaments and gifts from the city shops.

       While returning to his village on boat, a huge wave turned it upside down and all the costly purchases drowned into the river.

    Suddenly he heard a voice from the river. It said, "Do not weep. What you have lost was earned by cheating people. Learn from your loss and earn a good living through honesty." Hiralal was ashamed of his dishonesty and promised to be truthful.


Moral of the story :     "Honesty Is The Best Policy"    
