
            One summer morning Brownie hungry Jackal saw a mango tree full of fruit. He wanted to eat the mangoes but they were too high from him. He thought of a plan to get the fruit.

  Brownie saw Pila the Camel nearby. He went to the camel with a basket and said, 

   "Uncle, can you take me for a ride near the mango tree?"

    "Come, sit on my back."    

        said the camel and took Brownie under the mango tree. Brownie could now reach the fruit. He plucked a basket full of fruit, but he did not want to give the camel any. He said,

    "Uncle, let's go back."

  pila dropped Brownie back. On his way, he met Teja, the Giraffe. Teja said to Pila,

   "Brownie plucked so many mangoes. Did he give you any."

    "No,"   said Pila sadly. He did not like the way Brownie had behaved.

         The following  morning Pila waited for Brownie thinking he would come along again. Of course Brownie came with his basket and asked,

    "Uncle, can you take me to the mango tree?"

     "Sit on my back,"           said Pila. Then Pila went towards a stream.

     "Uncle, why are you going this way",        asked Brownie.

      "I want to cool myself,"         said Pila.

          He slipped into the stream and shook Brownie off his back. Brownie got wet but the water was not deep. He struggled a little and jumped on the bank of the stream. The wet feeling was not good. He had to dry himself in the sun.

    "This is a lesson for me for not sharing the fruit with camel. I must not be selfish any more. I 
      must think of others,"  he said to himself.

Moral of the story :  "Sharing Spreads Joy Around" 
