Paper Tiger

             Farmer John had a paddy field. In the monsoon he planted paddy. After a few months, he harvested the crop and got rice. His son sunny sold the rice in the market and got money. Many times animals damaged the crop and the farmer did not get much money. One day Sunny told his father,

"Keep a paper tiger under the Jack fruit tree near the field.The animals will think it is a real tiger and will run away."

         John made a huge tiger with big eyes out of thick yellow paper. Sunny stuck black paper stripes on it. Then he kept it under the jack fruit tree. He rubbed thick gum on it and made it shining and sticky. In the night, when the moon was shining, some rabbits came to the field. They saw the paper tiger. They thought it was a real tiger and ran away. The next night the rabbits came again.

"The tiger is still there,"   said a rabbit, and they all ran away. When the rabbits came on the third night,one rabbit said, "The tiger is not walking. I'll go and see."  He went close to the tiger and said, "Hallo!" There was no reply.  "The tiger is not talking. It is not a real tiger,"he told the other bravely. He went closer and touched the tiger. His paw got stuck. When he tried to loosen his paw, both his paw got stuck. Seeing this, the other rabbits ran away.

       The next day, the farmer came along. He saw the rabbit. "I'll show this rabbit to my family,"  he said. He put it in a bag and went home. John called his wife, and said, "Sunny's plan worked. I caught a rabbit. I'll show it to you."

      The rabbit heard John's words. He was afraid. He wanted to run away but could not. He pretended to be dead and closed his eyes. John opened the bag and put the rabbit on the floor. He saw the rabbit with it's eyes closed. He thought it was dead. Leaving it there, he went inside.

       When the farmer went in, The rabbit said to himself, "This is a good chance to run away," and ran away.

      Use your mind properly always, When you are in trouble.
