The Clever Fox and The Foolish Goat

              Once a Fox was very thirsty. As he walked through the jungle in search of water, he came across a big well. He peeped into it to see if it had any water. The fox slipped and fell into the well. He tried to come out , but could not do so.
             After some time, there came a goat. He was also very thirsty. The goat peeped into the well. The fox saw the goat. Soon he thought of a plan. He told the goat, "oh! you must taste the well water. It is very sweet. Come and enjoy the water." Hearing this, the foolish goat jumped into the well.

                While the goat began searching for water, the fox quickly climbed over the goat and jumped out of the well.
                He laughed at the foolish goat and said, "I was just waiting for someone foolish like you to get me out of this well.
               The clever fox walked away in search of water while the foolish goat was stuck in well.

                    Moral of the story:"Look Before You Leap"
