The Bear and Two Friends


             Viju and Raju were good friends. Once, while returning home, they were passing through a thick forest. as they came a long way walking, they felt tired and hungry. So they stopped at a tree to pluck fruits.

                  While they were busy eating the fruits, they saw a bear coming towards them. They were frightened.


        As Raju knew to climb on a tree, he quickly ran to a tree and climbed up. He did not even look back at Viju.


          Viju didn't know to climb a tree. But being an intelligent boy, he knew bears do not attack dead bodies. So he immediately lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear came closer. It sniffed Viju and thinking he is dead body, walked away. After a while, Viju stood up and dusted his clothes. Raju also climbed down the tree. He asked Viju, "what did the bear say in your ears?"
                 Viju smiled and said, "The bear told me to stay away from friends who leave you when in need". As Raju stood feeling ashamed about his act, Viju walked away.

             Moral of the story:"A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed"
