The Real Treasure

          Maganlal  was very hard-working farmer. He worked day and night in the field to get a good crop every year. He had three sons but non of them bothered to help their father in his field. they would laze around the whole day and depend on their father for money. Maganlal was very worried about their future.

         One day Maganlal fell ill. He could not work anymore in the field. He called his sons and said, " Dear sons, I am not feeling well and cannot go the fields. But we have a secret treasurein our fields which I won't be able to find. Can you dig the fields to find the hidden treasure?"

           The sons were happy to hear about the hidden treasure and went to the field the very next day. They dug every day and night but found nothing. Soon, as the rains showered over the field, they saw a rich crop of wheat over the field.

        When they informed their father about the rich crop and the fortune that they would make selling the grains, Maganlal was very happy. The sons understood what their father meant by hidden treasure. From that day onwards they worked  very hard like their father.  

         Moral of the story: Hard Work Is The Key To Success.                    
