Laila"s Farm

       Liala had a small farm in town. She had some goats and chickens. There were many fruit trees in her farm. She well-known and everyone called her Aunty  Laila.

        It was the fruit season, the boy who worked for Aunty Laila, had plenty of work. He plucked mangoes, papayas and sapotas. He also took the goats out to graze.

       Aunty Laila had two small children. Crystal and jade. they liked fruit custard.
"What are we having for tea?"     They asked every evening. In the fruit season mango custard, papaya custard or strawberry custard was a common treat in the house.

        Kenny, Aunty Laila's brother, kept the peals of fruit as well as some fruit int he goat shed for the goats to eat when somu brought them home in the evening. A fox smelt the fruit and came to the shed. It ate greedily and ran away. This happened many times.

       One day as it was about to rain, Kenny peeped into the shed. The goats had not come back but the but fruit was not there. 'What happened to the fruit I had kept for the goats?' he wondered. He went in and brought a little more fruit. The goats ate this on their return.

      The next day Kenny placed the fruit in the shed and kept a watch. He saw the fox going into the shed. The fox was eating greedily. Kenny went in and brought a big stick. When he came running,the fox heard the sound of his footsteps. He ran for his life as fast as his legs could carry him. There was a barbed wire fence in his way. He tumbled and got bruised. The greedy fox learned his lesson.

                      Don't rob what belongs to another
