Goodbye Rudy Fox

    Chetan, a farmer, had a big sugar cane field  near Mysore, in South India. When the crop was ready, Rudy the Fox was very happy. He chewed and ate the sugar cane. When his stomach was full he danced and sang in shrill voice.

      Rudy nibbled every day at the sugar cane and threw it, about. When he saw the farmer he ran away or hid behind the trees and escaped. When chetan was on his rounds he saw so much destruction in his field. He did not know that Rudy was the thief.He brought out his fat stick and punished the other animals who lived near his field.

       The animals were very sad. They held a meeting. "The owner of the field is unfair. The fox is damaging the crop and the owner is punishing us," said the goat.

       The hare had an idea."some animals can sit on the elephant's back and take the fox along. They can go to the high window of the owner's and tell the fox to jump in and bring a lot of meat for us. We'll promise the fox a big slice of meat for his work. Then, When the fox jumps into the house, we'll go away, leaving him there."

     All the animals cheered. When the owner was away, the elephant told fox,"There is a lot of meat in the owner's house. We can go there and fetch some. You are the only one who can get inside. Eat as much as you like and take a big slice as a reward. Are you willing to come along?"

      "Yes, yes, I am ready.?" said Rudy. His mouth was watering already.

     The elephant took the goat and the fox on his back to the owner's house.When they reached the high window, the goat stood on the elephant's back and told the fox,"Climb on my back and jump inside."

    The fox jumped on the goat's back and went in through the window. As soon as the fox got off, The elephant and the goat hurried away.
     Rudy looked around for the meat. He wanted the biggest share. But there was no meat. He was too small to jump up and get out. Rudy cried, "Hua,hua." Tears rolled down his cheeks.

     When Chetan returned home, he saw Rudy. "so you are the thief," he said. Rudy could not hide anywhere. Chetan caught the fox and put him in a bag. Then he went to the next jungle and left Rudy there. Thereafter, the other animals lived happily and in peace.

Moral -" Greed leads one into trouble."
